Case Study

National Think Tank

Government + Public Policy

Getting the right message to the right people in order to shape the national conversation.


The 24-hour news cycle, social media, and short American attention spans created a chaotic communications atmosphere. Our client needed ongoing and dynamic intelligence on the issue priorities for the voting public to inform decisions on how to best frame key policy decisions within this communications atmosphere.  They needed to identify the most compelling language and right audience targets with which to affect the most significant change for their causes.


We began to apply our suite of message testing and impact tools on such issues as healthcare, immigration and tax reform, and tracked changes in attitudes and perceptions over time.

Periodically we would launch additional research initiatives to get more in-depth insights on issues with big impact like healthcare, immigration, tax reform, and social issues.


Our work resulted in a new messaging architecture, compelling language, and targeting strategies to influence public debate and decision making on the issues.

As a result, our client has a cohesive and prioritized messaging architecture on hot issues in real time that they can use to create uniformity within their organization as they work to shape the national dialogue and policy outcomes.