Case Study
Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority
Travel + Tourism
Ensuring Las Vegas’ relevancy and maximizing opportunities in a changing landscape.

The “What happens here, stays here” (WHHSH) campaign was generating high awareness of Las Vegas as a leisure destination, generating record-breaking visitation.
In 2008, however, the Great Recession hit, and circumstances demanded that Las Vegas reassess the brand’s relevancy in the ‘new normal.’

Building on our earlier research where B2B and B2C visitors lacked knowledge of the full range of what Las Vegas had to offer beyond gaming, we conducted an extensive segmentation for a deeper assessment. We found 2 specific opportunity segments in the US representing 80+ million travelers.
We then conducted a Values-based study with the ‘core’ and ‘persuadable’ segments to understand key motivations and to develop a conversion strategy.

The segmentation resulted in clear imperatives for future WHHSH advertising, helping Las Vegas reinforce its ‘core’ consumers while educating ‘persuadable’ segments in the new consumer climate. Additionally, we helped product vertical knowledge scores increase in expansion markets, likelihood to visit went up, along with favorability of the destination, and visitor volume and hotel occupancy all increased.